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Advice from the Crew

Helpful Tips from those who are  on the Journey...

No one knows better than a veteran of mental health on how to  best help those new to clubhouse or new to a mental health diagnosis. Not all the tips and advice will work for everyone, but it never hurts to look at what the TRUE experts have to say about mental health. 

Top Ten Tips and Tricks when dealing with mental health

10. Talk it out. Talking with a family member, friend, therapist, or peer is a great way to check in with someone who cares about you. It is therapeutic to have others listen. Others can not help us if we they don't know something is wrong.
9. Take a Walk. Exercise is a proven way to release stress, anxiety, and it helps release hormones to boost your mood. Exercise is not only healthy for the body but also the mind. 
8.   Researching and knowing your illness.  For some it is really beneficial to know everything they can find on their mental health diagnosis. It answers questions about what is happening in your body and mind. If you are educated on your diagnosis it can sometimes be better managed and monitored. Mental illness is different for every individual. 
7.  Relax and watch some Netflix or read a good book. Distraction isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes we need a break from our life and finding a good book or TV show to get lost in is a good thing and can take the edge off of a hard day. 
6.  Try not to isolate. Being alone for long periods of time is unhealthy for anyone. Human beings are social creatures. We need others to feel as if we belong and contribute to something greater.
5.  Take a shower. There's nothing like a warm shower to wash away stress, anxiety, and depression. Good hygiene prevents disease and illness and helps us feel more confident and renewed. 
4.  Practice Breathing Techniques.   The first thing we do as infants in the new world is take a breath and the last thing we do as elders is release a breath. In yoga, breathing is referred to as "prana," which means "life." So, if you can control your breath-you can control your life. 
3. Meditation. Focus on the present moment and what is happening in the moment.  Ignoring the things in the mind that don't make sense. Focusing on what does. Accepting that you don't have all the answers.  
2. Listening to Music. Our body is made up of mostly water. The vibrations from songs that we listen to, not only impact our emotions, but the way we physically feel. So go listen to some uplifting tunes! 
1. Come to Journey House! Make new friends and join a supportive community. Journey house gets your out of your house or environment. JH helps you reach your goals and dreams while making friends and fun memories.  

Motivational Videos

Did you know? 

Fun Facts about Mental illness you may not have known...

Mental Health Today
Mental Health Today

1 in 5 American Adults have experienced a Mental Health Issue.


1 in 10 young people have experienced a period of major depression. 


1 in 25 Americans have lived with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. 

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians did not differentiate mental health from physical health. The recommended treatment for mental health concerns was to "talk it out."

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Aristotle believed melancholia was the cause of mental illness. His suggested treatment was to listen to music. 

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